Credit Key Blog

Browse the latest insights in driving revenue through flexible payment options

The Future of Financial Management: AI Tools Every Business Should Use

According to research by Exploding Topics, 77% of companies are either using or exploring the use of AI in their businesses, and 83% of companies...

6 Tips for 'Spring Cleaning' Your Business Finances

As flowers bloom and the weather warms, it's not just our homes that could use a little spring cleaning – our businesses could benefit from some...

Year-End Financial Checkup: 10 Tips for a Healthy Business

As the year draws to a close, it's the perfect time for businesses to reflect on their financial health and set the stage for a successful new year....

Defending Your Small Business: 7 Tips to Spot Potential Fraud

In an era dominated by digital transactions and technological advancements, safeguarding your small business against potential fraud is more crucial...

Boosting SMB Growth: Credit Key's Secret Weapon for Manufacturers and Distributors

In the world of manufacturing and distribution, catering to the unique needs of small and medium businesses (SMBs) is both an opportunity and a...

How Revenue Forecasting Can Boost Your Business

We live in an age of extreme unpredictability. The Covid-19 pandemic was just the tip of the iceberg, demonstrating just how unpredictable the future...

A Comprehensive Guide to Invoice Factoring

One of the most important factors that determine whether a business is successful or not is if it maintains a positive cash flow. No business can...

How to Offer Financing to Your Customers

Did you know that only 48% of small businesses have their financial needs met?Unfortunately, this also means that more than half of your customer...

How to Use Flexible Credit Terms to Recession-Proof Your Business

While we’re not officially in a recession in the United States yet, some consumers believe we’re already there, while other economists are saying...

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