Credit Key Blog

Browse the latest insights in driving revenue through flexible payment options

How to deliver quality B2B leads with Credit Key's line of credit pre-approval

How many pre-approval credit card offers do you receive in a week? If you’re like most Americans, probably quite a lot. It may be surprising to some...

How to find your inner Amazon Prime

One of the most successful marketing programs in e-commerce history is Amazon Prime. The program, which boasted 90 million subscribers in 2017, is...

How Credit Key Can Help Your Business Grow

“Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime.”

How Credit Key Improves Your Customers’ Workflow

If you work in procurement, then you know there are a lot of everyday challenges to overcome. From finding reliable sourcing vendors, to gathering...

In the Age of Mass Personalization, Instant Credit Can Be a Game Changer

Have you ever been on Facebook (or other social media sites) and seen a t-shirt like the one above? 

How instant credit makes cash flow concerns a thing of the past

We’ve all heard the saying, “cash is king,” and despite the widespread use of trade credit and credit cards in business, this saying is still true in...

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Increase Purchasing Power and Drive Business Growth

The leading Net Terms and Pay Over Time Solution for B2B.