Voltage Coffee Supply Boosted Average Order Value by 10x

Jun 2, 2022 1:15:40 PM

Credit Key Business Impact Since Launch

Voltage Coffee is the leading online commercial espresso machine retailer and the purveyor of coffee equipment and supplies for coffee businesses across the nation. Although demand for specialty coffee has remained strong during the pandemic, Voltage lost energy when its third-party financing partners stopped lending to Voltage’s customers.

Enter Credit Key.

Credit Key appeared on Voltage’s radar when a Credit Key client wanted to finance their Voltage Coffee equipment order with Credit Key. Voltage Coffee owners Kelsey and Matt Vendetti reached out to Credit Key and learned that Credit Key offers seamless eCommerce integration, in-cart approvals, no minimums and better monthly terms for borrowers. Voltage said yes to Credit Key and immediately began to reap the benefits. With fast, easy integration on Shopify, Voltage launched Credit Key financing in just two days. By offering approval in seconds and the ability to pay over time, Credit Key substantially boosted average order value.

How substantially?

Since launching with Credit Key, Voltage Coffee has enjoyed a ten fold increase in average order value. That’s a lot of beans for the coffee supply company. Voltage Coffee is amped for growth and already setting its sights on employing Credit Key to increase conversions and overall sales. Credit Key will be there to unlock every drop of opportunity


We’ve seen huge growth, and we’re continuing to see that growth.
We’re having our best month, month after month after month

- Kelsey Vendetti, CEO, Voltage Coffee





B2B Buy Now Pay Later Solutions from Credit Key

Matthew Osborn

For the better half of a decade, Matthew has been submerged in the B2B Payments and Accounts Receivable as a Service space. As the Marketing Director of Credit Key, Matthew has an in-depth knowledge of sales and demand generation growth strategies.

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